Fr. Edwin saying a few word at the beginning of the celebrations

Some of the youngsters gathered together

On Thursday evening at 7.00 pm the Evening Study Classes had their Christmas Party organized by Fr. Edwin Colaco and the boarders with the assistance of Bro. Roshan. There were lots of fun games and party games which the children and youngsters thoroughly enjoyed. They had bombing the city, Electric Wire, Form groups in numbers etc. Fr. Edwin Colaco said a few words to wish all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and told the children that Jesus came to teach us to be good to others and reach out to help one and other. Once again the boarding choir that had been trained by Sir Haydn Dias sang for the children and the band that was conducted by Mr. Furtado played a coupe of Christmas Carols to put everyone in the mood for Christmas. The boarders were also present helping in the games and programme. The Surprise item was Santa who came in at the end of the program and threw a couple of sweets and also left a message of Love and Peace. The children then went to their classroom where each one was given a Christmas packet to take home. The hall was well decorated with Christmas banners.

Bombing the city a fun game

Bombing another city!!!!

Wonderful smiling faces

The Electric wire game

Some of the boarders who helped in the organizing

Sir Haydn who conducted and trained the boarding choir in voices

Let the children come unto me

The younger of the lot

The choir performing their Carols

The Choir singing a Carol

Fr. Edwin with Santa giving the Christmas message

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